Gantt-Chart for JIRA Release 4.3.x
Gantt-Chart for JIRA Release 4.3.x
Main topics
- Customfield "actual start" will be set automatically, if status changes from a status category TO DO "blue" to IN PROGRESS "orange"
- Ccustomfield "actual end" will be set automatically, if status changes from a status category IN PROGRESS "orange" to DONE "green"
- Switching back from DONE "green" within the workflow unsets actual end
- Starting a sprint automatically forces a re-schedule of the related issues to start at the sprint's start date
- Deleting or removing an issue from a sprint also force a re-scheduling of all sprint's issues
- Re-ranking issues within a sprint also force a re-schedule off all sprint's issues to reflect the new order in related timing/planning.
- Specify time equivalent for a story point per project within the project administration on the Gantt section in order to mix different approaches of estimations
- New Gantt assistant to automatically generate planning dates if not set for issues
- New Gantt-Tips sharing knowledge/handling
Minor Releases 4.3.1
- Bug fix of screen section overlapping
Minor Releases 4.3.2
- Under Gantt menu item "configure look & feel" you can now find the new option "Display parents and children belonging to another group reflecting issue hierarchy and indents." Please deselect the related checkbox if necessary, so that the shadow parents/children are not shown on the Gantt chart.
- bug fix on exporting to SVG/PDF using various browsers, BUT Mircosoft IE is not capable to create a PDF-document, whereas all other common browsers can do that without any problem (that's a limitation of IE, without any workaround rather than using another browser for PDF-export)
- bug fix on Gantt assistant to automatically generate planning dates if not set for issues concerning input fields and button
Minor Releases 4.3.3
- create (sub-)issues within Gantt-Chart
- Gantt Tips Library as new Gantt menu item
- extended tips
- bug fixes
Minor Releases 4.3.4
- compatibility adjustments for Jira v7.6
- additional Gantt-Tips
- new option to display issues' summary instead of issue key within the work-break-down structure (WBS): open Gantt menu "configure look & feel", select tab "Gantt Features" and enable option "Display summary instead of issue key"
- fix in displaying progress within Gantt-Assistant
- some other bug fixes
Minor Releases 4.3.5
- Additional Gantt-Tips
- new grouping options: group by Epic (ordered by epic key = creation date) and group by Epic (ordered by their global rank)
- bug fixes on aggregations while grouping on epic levels
, multiple selections available,
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