Traffic-Lights for Jira inside Confluence Cloud [free extension/macro]

Traffic-Lights for Jira inside Confluence Cloud [free extension/macro]

(warning) Pre-requisite: installed and active add-on "Traffic-Lights for Jira" on your Jira Cloud-instance.

Often, you are working with Jira but want to document your work within Confluence. But Confluence's native "Jira issues macro" cannot display anything else then just the predefined fields: no traffic-light fields' properties at all. Therefore, use "Traffic-Lights for Jira inside Confluence" solving that topic easily:

  1. As Confluence administrator, please install the free add-on "Traffic-Lights for Jira inside Confluence" on your Confluence Cloud-instance from my vendor-website.
    It is not available on the Atlassian Marketplace as it is not an add-on by its own with additional pricing but a necessary technical extension to "Traffic-Light for Jira Cloud" for free:

    Due to support of TLS1.2 as well as HSTS as requested by Atlassian for enhance security, your have to use the following URL for copy & paste (since May 10th, 2021):


  2. As user, edit a page and add a new macro named "traffic-lights" via Confluence's macro browser.

    Within the macro browser, search for "traffic-lights" to easily find the new macro, then click on it to add it.

    Alternatively, just click on "traffic-lights" within the macro menu:

    Initially, choose one of your Jira filters to retrieve the issues you want to see on your Confluence page and configure all columns you need:

    After inserting and ordering all columns you need to see on your Confluence page, please commit by clicking on the "save" button at the bottom of the dialog screen:

    Within the Confluence editor, you see your added, new macro:

    (tick) Now, you have successfully integrated "Traffic-Lights for Jira" on your Confluence page cross-platform:

LIVE-Sample: display issues from my Jira-Cloud:

Traffic-Lights embedded within an expand-macro:

 Click here to expand...

Traffic-Lights embedded within a table as part of the expand-macro:

 Click here to expand...

a table with the standard auto-fit

(Atlassian feature not working well)


another table with auto-fit

(Atlassian feature not working well)

table with manually shifted width

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