Integration into BigPicture (Jira Server Edition)

Integration into BigPicture (Jira Server Edition)

  1. Within BigPicture by SoftwarePlant, please define all skills you need as documented by this third-party vendor.
  2. Within the configuration of Skills-Radar, please specify new profiles: one per BigPicture's skill getting the same case-sensitive name. Recommendation: use the profile group to document this by naming it "High-Level Skill of BigPicture".
  3. Within BigPicture's top-level menu item "Administration" on tabs "Skills" as well as "Global teams", you will automatically see small skills-radars related to the defined BigPicture skills.

4. On BigPicture's top-level menu item "Teams", you will also see small skills-radars as displayed below. Here, the user has been assigned a specific profile,
    resp. BigPicture Skill. On the right side of the small skills-radar, two figures will shown the user's coverage. The top value ist the necessary coverage whereas
    the other value presents the netted coverage in brackets.

5. In all cases, if you move your mouse over a small skills-radar, a pop-up will occur displaying that information in large.
    If that user has done a personality test, the result will also be displayed in brackets after the user name.

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