Integration with Jira Insight Assets

Integration with Jira Insight Assets

Now, within a condition rule, you can dynamically retrieve all relevant deciders referenced by single—or multi-user custom fields, project roles, Jira groups, and user-based attributes of Jira Insight Assets.

Please use the following sample code and adjust lines #2, #3, and #4 according to your environment. The variable assetAttrName contains the name of the asset’s attribute with the related users. The variable validStatus represents the issue status, being valid for a decision as a pre-requisite. The custom field cfAssetsObject specifies which Jira Insight Assets objects are used for a Group Sign-Off.

// conditional rule const assetAttrName = "Approvers"; const validStatus = "waiting for approval"; const cfAssetsObject = "Branch"; users = ""; rule = ""; if (issue.status.name == validStatus) { var assetsStakeholders = helper.getCF(issue, cfAssetsObject); assetsStakeholders?.forEach(stakeholder => { const asset = helper.fetch(`https://api.atlassian.com/jsm/assets/workspace/${stakeholder.workspaceId}/v1/object/${stakeholder.objectId}`); const attribute = asset?.attributes?.find(attr => attr.objectTypeAttribute.name == assetAttrName); const cmdbUsers = (asset ? attribute?.objectAttributeValues.map(attr => attr.user.key.replace(/:/g,"__").replace(/-/g,"_")).join(`/* ${asset.label} */, `) + `/* ${asset.label} */` : ''); if (cmdbUsers) { users += (users.length ? ', ' : '') + cmdbUsers; rule += (rule.length ? ' AND (' : '(') + cmdbUsers.replace(/, /,' OR ') + ')'; } }); }


As an admin, you must authenticate yourself once by email address and API token within the app’s global configuration. These data are used to access Jira Insight Assets via the method helper.fetch().

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Having done this, you will get the approvers for a Group Sign-Off out of the referenced Jira Insight Assets:

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