Gantt-Chart offers you additional information for steering your tasks based on earned value analysis since Gantt-Chart version 3.2.

Please open the Gantt menu (cog icon) on the right top, choose menu item "configure columns & rows" and switch to tab "columns". Select the preferred column you want to add and click on button "add". The new column will be appended within the preview. If the preview exceeds your screen width, you can scroll left/right. Clicking on arrow icons per column name, you can re-order the columns or remove them via click on the trash icon.


Please click on button "finish" to store your choice and switch back to the Gantt diagram.

Schedule Variance

The planned duration will be determined as amount of working days between planned start date and planned end date taking the assignee's calender into account as well as weekends, company holidays etc. The baseline duration will be calculated accordingly using baseline start date and baseline end date. The acutal duration will be calculated as sum of estimated remaining effort and the amount of working days between actual start date and actual end date. If an issue has not been finished, the actual end date has not been set and is unavailable. In that case, the current date (today) will be used instead.

Schedule Variance based on actual planning (SVa)

SVa = (actual duration - planned duration) / planned duration * 100

Schedule Variance based on baseline (SVb)

SVb = (actual duration - baseline duration) / baseline duration * 100


Schedule Performance Index (SPI)

The earned value (EV) will be calculated as time spent / (time spent + remaining estimated effort). If (time spent + remaining estimated effort) is zero, the original estimated effort will be used instead to avoid division by zero. The planned value (PV) will be calculated as amount of working days between planned start date of an issue and minimum(planned end date, today) divided by duration in working days.



Cost Performance Index (CPI)

Prerequisite for calculation of CPI is the creation of an additional custom field e.g. named "progress" of JIRA standard field type "number". This custom field has to be mapped within the add-on configuration by the JIRA system administrator. Therefore, you can name it as you want within your preferred language.


That actually archieved progress as percentage has to be maintained by the user(s) frequently. This custom field will be used to represent the actual costs (AC), whereas the earned value (EV) will be calculated as time spent / (time spent + remaining estimated effort). If (time spent + remaining estimated effort) is zero, the original estimated effort will be used instead to avoid division by zero.

