JIRA Server-side: if you want to get more information to be displayed on the console, you are running JIRA or into JIRA's logfile, you have to enable debug-mode for the Gantt-Chart addon.

Step-by-step guide

Add the steps involved:

  1. Login as system administrator.
  2. Switch into admin mode of JIRA and select menu item "System".
  3. Select item "Logging & Profiling" within section "TROUBLESHOOTING AND SUPPORT"

  4. Scroll down to section "Default Loggers".
  5. Click on "Configure" logging level for another package.
  6. Enter "de.polscheit" as package name.
  7. Select "DEBUG" as logging level, which is the default value.
  8. Click on the "Add" button.

  9. Now, reproduce your problem by repeating the related actions like view issue, do settings etc.
  10. Afterward, please send your JIRA log file for further analysis together with your incident description via email at support@traffic-light.polscheit.de.
    Generally, the Jira log file is located in the filesystem: <jiraHome>/log/atlassian-jira.log.

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